Data Analysis and Student performance

Data Analysis and Student performance 

For the successful development of an Educational Institute and Society Students performance plays an important role. To achieve significant occupational as well as economic success the development and enrichment of students should be focused upon. The future of an educational institute is directly related to the growth and performance of its students. With the help of various measures the performance can be continuously monitored and reports can be generated considering the same. Reflecting the decisions made various solutions and strategies are implied. Even the theory of academic performance emphasizes upon six foundational concepts formed for performance and performance improvement. The main meaning of performance improvement is to produce valued results at the end. 

Data analysis is beneficial in making the process of studying data a lot simpler and more precise. It helps in interpreting data and generating insights from the same. Data plays a major role in analysis of student performance. It can help provide elaborated information about what the students know and what can be done to fulfil their academic needs. With the help of appropriate analysis it is easy for the educators to make informed and worthy decisions for the upliftment of students. The data can be used for technical assistance as well as professional development through various regions of learning. There are various student performance analysis software that help in providing an appropriate approach without intervention and hurdles. 

Data analysis review results in big data that stores various records. With the help of a robust data analytics program it is easy to determine the need of information and its usage. Data in the Education sector consists of both academic and non academic nature which directly or indirectly determines the productivity and development of the institute. The leverage of data analysis is the creation of an optimum utilization environment. With the help of data analysis Schools need not rely on blind faith to make decisions but rather use the data to make decisions. There are reports and statistics to reflect that the decision made is in the right interest or not from a future perspective. By using various data analytics tools it is easy to find the data by just clicking on the search tab. It eliminates the need of going through various files and folders to find a single report and results to save time. For instance it also eliminates the risk of loss of information as the data is stored digitally with back ups to lead utmost security and protection. 

To foster school improvement and frequent monitoring the support system is designed. This software looks after the students specific learning and behavioral problems tu Taka late without diversification. There are separate tiers made for placing the students according to their scores. Tier 1 students will receive core instructions and support. Tier 2 will receive additional targeted instructions to supplement the knowledge provided. Tier 3 will receive small groups or one on one guidance and inventions in respect to the core instructions already provided. The examination result has placed the students in the correct tier for each content area. 

Data that can be used for analysis of student performance are: 

  1. Academic data: Data that pertains to the knowledge and skills of students. Mainly evaluating the learning and ability of students can be considered as Academic data. It includes all the formal and informal assessments being done in the year to analyse the adequate yearly progress. List of formative and summative assessments that helps in summarising the development and growth of students. It consists of all the graded and practice assignments assigned to the students as well as the teachers record about students observation and performance. This data is encrypted to analyse the growth and performance of each child throughout the year. 
  2. Achievement data: Data that helps in analysing the proficiency and creating best practices for the growth of students is termed as achievement data. It includes all the set of benchmarks such as SAT and ACT scores, state high Stakes tests and national as well as district level assessments mainly extra-curricular. The list of grades or progress reports that depicts the student learning score and ratio of success helps in determining the overall enhancement of students. It is essential for each child to grow as an individual to stand uplifted in the market. Keeping a track of students’ level of engagement in school is important to analyse the trait of the student and social activeness.
  3. Demographic data: The school administration holds data regarding students whereabouts and environment. Data related to age, gender, religion, race, status, address, Aadhaar card, parent level of education, job profile, approximate level of income and nationality are stored by the school’s administration. Even the health reports of students are entered for  general record and overall knowledge. Special records about students with disabilities or major sickness are mentioned. This helps in analysing and interpreting the performance of each child based upon their level of understanding and mindset. Parents and paediatricians are asked to provide details regarding medical conditions and history about the students. It is quite important for the school to be aware if the student is facing some serious medical issue or has an allergy. Such data are required for analysis of student performance as they may obstruct the part of delivery if not considered.  
  4. Perception data: Behavioural patterns and observations about the personality of students are recorded in such data. The perspective of association based upon the attentiveness, responsiveness and peculiarity are monitored to access the exact response of the students. 

Ways to assess the students learning and performance: 

The learning can be assessed through the performance students deliver. Assessing the performance can involve various assessments which may be formal or informal, individual or collective and may range from small scale to big scale. To understand the criteria and learning ability of students, various activities can be performed. 

  1. Classroom assessment techniques: By obtaining regular classroom assessments teachers can get a lot of knowledge about each student’s level of understanding about the topic and ability to write it down. With this technique teachers can devise an easy to understand medium for revision. 
  2. Creating various assignments: With the help of assignments and homework educators make sure that the students get ample amounts of knowledge about the topic. It also helps in providing consistency and accuracy to the students. 
  3. Group projects: By assessing the group work students ability to perform with the set of people enhances. With proper delegation the leadership qualities of students will enhance and they will indulge in a friendly environment. 
  4. Examinations: At the end examinations help in proper analysis and interpretation of the performance of a student throughout the year. It helps in generating a graphical representation of the growth and overall development of the student. For data analysis examinations result to be an imperial part. 

Data analytics techniques for student performance

Educational data mining and learning analytics help in unfolding useful knowledge about various educational databases to predict the students’ performance. The student performance prediction aims  at evaluating the grade of the student that is achieved by systematic review and respective data  interpreted. The data analytics technique is divided into five stages.

  1. Data collection: The massive data regarding both online and offline mode of education should be collected. With the help of blending both the strategies a new path towards personalised education is targeted. Collecting all the information about students, teachers and administrators is required. The student learning records, attributions to social dependency relationship and background, learning time length, notes regarding the discussions, historical performance data and log file. By collecting the various data it gets easy to form analysis and device techniques based upon the same. 
  2. Formulation of problems: By gathering information and interpreting the sectors of problems it gets easy for the management to formulate solutions. By various student performance analysis software it gets easy to understand the areas of lacking and make corrective solutions for betterment. 
  3. Machine learning methods and learning management system: After formulating the problems it is the time to induce various learning methods for optimum utilisation. By using and employing solutions for solving individual solutions it gets easy for Data analytics and techniques formation. 
  4. Performance prediction: By interpreting and evaluating the results the reports are generated. Based upon the reports various decisions are being formulated. The used situations and progress reports help in predicting the next term position and GPA. By this step data helps in striving for analysis of student performance. 
  5. Application based upon predictions: The last step and technique is to apply the formulated decision and lucrative strategic plan. By this process the data collected and reports generated are put to use. For utmost efficiency and smooth delivery various measures are being taken. The student performance analysis software applies all the collected and devised channels for betterment. 

To evaluate the educational outputs of an Institute. Analysis of student performance plays an imperial role. By this process of research educators can improve their level of teaching and learning environment. The student performance analysis software helps in creating an appropriate feature selection that could boost the performance. With modern technology and latest features analysis of student performance is automated.

By increasing the educational outcomes and reducing the financial costs data analysis results to be beneficial for striving towards upliftment. Supports making informed decisions about complex issues by using learning analytics. The most common and frequent example of data analysis in the education system is the evaluation of a yearly report for assessing the students progress towards development. Identifying the trend cycles pertaining towards the educational institute is also an active and important part of data analysis. With a high degree of certainty data analysis can help boost the educational sector of India. 

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