Education System in India

Education System in India

Since the time of Indus Valley civilization the Indian education system has always passed its significant knowledge from one generation to another. Indians have achieved significant Marvels in the field of science and mathematics. Over the time the Indian education system has always strived to move forward and strengthen Glory with the highest number of academic related organisations. India has one of the best features of the modern education system. Compulsory education helps in providing equal opportunity to every child to learn in school and get employed. Education system in India is a publicly funded higher education system which has now flourished and is acknowledged as the third largest higher education system in the world. There are proper standards and enforcements that help the government in coordinating with the states. Education can stimulate high economic growth and fosters environmental sustainability effectively. In today’s time education can be considered as one of the most powerful weapons that one can use to change the world.

Economic growth of a country depends upon natural resources, capital, technology advancements and the quality of manpower they have. There are various factors on which the efficiency of manpower depends such as health, education, safety and sanitation. India being a developing country has constantly strive for the betterment of the social infrastructure of the economy. The pace of economic development has comparatively been low that it can exceed if properly trained and well educated manpower exist. Among the 145 countries India ranks at 92 position in education. 

The education system in India has four levels. Lower primary, upper primary, high school and higher secondary. Students are able to learn a wild language of subjects and language with a course of stream option while passing by these four levels. While the state and Central board schools have flourished remarkably various International School systems have also established the significance for progress. With interesting and instructive study patterns, schools help in building a capable and equipped lifestyle. 

In today’s advancing world various software engineers and developers are working towards making the Indian system digitally. With high unemployment rate also comes the ability to better the education system. 

There are a wide range of changes that can be made to the education system in India.

  1. Rural education: It has always come to notice that the Indian education system has focused on throwing light on education on urban clusters. There is hardly any presence of centres of learning in the rural areas. When a country truly wants to develop, the illiteracy rate of the country should be zero percent. For development it is important to take Urban and rural together in terms of education. With quality of education provided even in the rul and sectors the education system in India can flourish. 
  2. Focus on skill based learning: In exchange first study the education system must revan the methodology and train the students as per as strength. To ensure that a child grows it must be identified which field suits the student and measures should be taken to enable the child to shine in a particular desired field. Proper Training and skill impartation will help the student nurture and grow immensely. The national education policy of 2020 has also focused upon skill base learning and acknowledgement of practical aspects while studying.
  3. Including basic computing technology: India is referred to as the land of IT giants. Education system in India should strive at making the rural sector also a custom with the technology aspect. The rural India must come at farm with the urban digital India to embark a skill development journey of progress. 
  4. Overall development and sports: Education system must make sure that students indulge in some sort of physical activity or hobby. Sports help in maintaining peace of mind and better performing abilities. With the help of sports it may get easy for the students to grasp lessons and enrich themselves with knowledge. Sports and overall development skills help in managing mental pressure. By playing, students can overcome the stress and function freely. 
  5. Providing knowledge to parents: Even today the education system of India faces the barrier of parents not being educated. To provide accurate and progressive information, schools must help the parents get resourceful knowledge. To guide parents about career prospects and foster equal opportunities for every child it is important to understand the possible scope. There are cases where parents do not have enough knowledge about the education or opportunities in such cases it is essential to provide them with knowledge. 

Problems faced while imparting Education in India: 

Educational development does face some barriers. Education in India is hindered due to many prospects. 

  1. Lack of sufficient funds: The main challenge faced by India is that with the rapid growing size of population there are insufficient funds and facilities to cover the education cost of all. The insufficient funds makes the educational institute lack infrastructure, equipment and adequate resources. High rate of results cannot be achieved due to the lack of advancement and referential data. Even the outlet for education in 5 year plans has been decreasing due to the problem of funds faced by the education system in India. 
  2. Optimum utilisation and availability: Mannier Times the talented and deserving students do not get appropriate job opportunities in India and they satisfy the job achievement by preferring to go abroad. Due to this India gets to primed of the good talent it used to hold. 
  3. Illiteracy rate: In comparison to the advanced countries with 100% literate India is still having 35% of people who are illiterate. It is also considered that a number of illiterate present in India are about one third of the total illiterates in the world. 
  4. Generalisation of education: Education in India is subject to generalised topics in nature. Due to this often there are conditions when the technical and vocational education provided is unsatisfactory. Due to the hindered development the education system has turned unpredictable and there are a number of unemployed persons pertaining to the market. Due to generalisation the problem of appropriate job security is also at stake. 
  5. Wastage of resources available: As the education system is based upon general education the dropout rate due to disinterest is increased. From both the primary and secondary level there are a significant number of students who leave the school leading to wastage of human resources. Financially resources obstructed and delayed also cause a huge loss. 

There are many types of schools in India. 

  1. Private schools: Schools that work without government intervention are known as private schools. They are also known as unaided schools. In India mostly the middle class families select private schools for the betterment of their children.
  2. Government schools: Schools that work upon aid and fundings by the government. The poor and vulnerable students get free education until the age of 14 and have adequate subsidies for higher education also. There are many schools run by the state and local government under the central government of India. Such schools help in employing good quality education throughout the country. 
  3. International Schools: ICSE or ISC delivers a curriculum wholly or partially in English as an official language. Search Schools maintain countries’ National curriculum and international orientation combined for betterment and progress. These schools are established in English speaking countries and hold English as the sole medium of communication. 
  4. Home schooling: An option schooling that is not that popular in India. Even after being legal in India it is considered as a less explored option. In case parents want to teach their child at home in a free environment they can try homeschooling and benefit from its features. 
  5. Distance learning or online medium: In today’s advancing World online education is considered as the new path towards development. During the pandemic distance learning came to the rescue. With technology advancements there are many features and apps that help in online impartation of education. Education system in India has flourished significantly even during Covid 19 because of the online initiative and spirit instilled. Due to online education various resources and infrastructure are saved. The method is efficient in both human and physical. It helps in balancing the imbalances and promotes a paperless administration system.  

Education provides stability and lessens the challenges you face in life. To gain good opportunities in career as well as personal growth every individual needs to flourish with knowledge. Kerala is the most literate state in India and has been regarded as the best education system of India constantly. Being one of the largest education systems in the world India has a good for world class engineering programs and aid to tuition free education. 

Education in India has improved remarkably. With proper restructuring and formulated strategies Indian education can strive to make a better society. With the vision to enhance the quality of education India has formulated various policies and decisions regarding the ministry of Education. With the change in vision the country aims at breaking the barriers and thriving towards economic development. The education system is a rightful Outlook for real life situations. Thus with practical and technical adaptation Indian education system can provide valuable knowledge to improvise the channelisation of education. 

Education health in making a person intellectual.The power of making rational decisions is important to sustain into the market and with proper guidance it is easy to deal with the circumstances pertaining to the field. The sharp increase in the education statistics of India it is believed that incoming Times India will be free of illiteracy. Education health in gathering a democratic and civilised society Outlook. Which certality and various opportunities education system in India is considered as a bone of development

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